My name is Cody Anton. I first had an interest in filming when I was around 13 years old. I found the passion when watching YouTube videos and seeing all these people living amazing lives just by creating a video, posting it online and making money by doing so. 

I graduated from Hennepin Technical College in Brooklyn Park, MN with an AAS Degree specializing in Video Production (specifically Video Production Specialist). I have been filming for about 7 years now and have professionally filmed for 2 years while attending school. I have done a lot of filming outside of school even before attending college for video production. I have filmed for the Prior Lake Girls JV and Varsity lacrosse teams. I have done a few different things for my community as well, such as editing a LGBTQ video for my local High school which I graduated from. Also, I made a slide show of pictures for an eighth grade traveling basketball team for their end of the season party, showing pictures of all the kids playing in games, or pictures of them when they were little to compare how much they have grown up to this point in their life. I was recently hired on by Frattalone Racing to run their social media pages, and take photos and create videos for their snocorss racing team. I got to travel all around the country to each race with the team.

“I do not always know what I want, but I do know what I don’t want.”
— Stanley Kubrick

Feel free to contact me at any point if you have questions about me, what I've done, or anything in general!


Types of videos i create

  • Advertisement and Short Commercials

  • Wedding Videos

  • Promotional Videos

  • Documentaries

  • Sports Highlight Videos

  • Overview Videos